Saturday, 26 October 2013

Last visit to Shugborough

I’ve pinched this from Seyella’s blog - RnR arriving at Great Haywood on Monday.  When I first saw the picture I didn’t recognise us in our funny hats!  We’ve had them for years but this is the first time we’d worn them (there’s nothing worse that turning your head and everything going dark because you’re now looking into your hood!).  They were comfortable and kept the rain off necks and specs but when we took them off the band inside was soaking wet which had made the whole of the crown inside wet too so not sure if they will get another airing!
We stayed put at Great Haywood on Tuesday, Seyella left along with several other boats moored close by and then this boat turned up - good name!
 Shugborough Lodge built in 1859 is ready for Halloween

 Shugborough Estate really is a place that we will miss once WB Still Rockin’ is our home and today we took a walk through the grounds for the last time.  
Photos not the usual quality as these were taken with my phone but they still manage show the wonderful late afternoon autumn light.


  1. In the rain I like to have my brimmed hat on, with a hood over the top. The brim keeps your glasses dry, and the hood keeps most of the hat dry -- and means that when you turn your head, the hood moves too!

    1. Good idea Adam although I wonder if the brims on these are a bit too wide - we’ll try it though, thanks.
