Friday 31 August 2012


was quiet ... stroll around the High Street ... a few small jobs on the RnR and relax!

Others were working though ...

 2pm and the towing horse (not sure if this is Ben or Rosie) goes by to wait on the opposite side of the river for ...

... Packet boat Iona which the helmsman has ‘poled’ off into mid-river ...

... where he throws the towing rope to the horses handlers who attach it to the harness to tow the barge on its daily trip down the Wey.

Just before 4pm and they’re back, the horse has been unhitched from the packet boat ...

... and heading for some affection from an admiring public before being taken back to his stables
The sun is setting earlier and earlier now - this is 6pm last night.


  1. Can't help but notice the horse has an 'undercarriage' so my vote goes for it being Ben! LOL
