Saturday 1 January 2011

Kingfishers in hiding?

Last night we spent a lovely evening with Mags and Geoff of Seyella
 a very tasty meal followed by a good natter with liquid refreshment to see in 2011
Thanks to both of you for your company.
On the way back to RnR after watching the firework displays surrounding the canal we alarmed a 'creature'.  I shone the torch across the canal and saw the small creature, light grey or blue that appeared to dash across the ice, but I knew that couldn't be right because the ice was well broken up; it disappeared under the hedge on the other side.  
This morning I was looking out of the window watching a moorhen under the bushes when I noticed something splashing in the water; I went to get the bino's and saw two blue shapes appearing to hover just above the water - I am absolutely sure that they were kingfishers! The RSPB Pocket Guide to British Birds by Simon Harrap informs that a kingfishers habitat is '... breeds in tunnels excavated in vertical sandy or earthen banks.' 
A few weeks ago Ann from Moore2Life and I had seen a kingfisher sitting in those very same bushes. 
The words 'elusive' and 'photograph' come to mind but I'll keep the bino's and camera handy and ready to roll just in case!

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