Wednesday 13 July 2011


Our mooring for the last two nights ...
 ... nicely tucked into the bank with easy access ...
 ... an empty private mooring opposite ...
 ... looking towards the swing-bridge and lock ...
 ... and from whence we came - a good spot.
 Off for a walk ... past the Rowbarge ...
 ... opposite some lovely old cottages ...
 ... such a pity that there is this unsightly modern terrace across the road.
 ... click to enlarge to read the history - interesting
 Before today, I've only ever seen a Woodpecker far up in a tree or just heard one in the vicinity - managed to catch this one on the side of the lock.
 Woolhampton Lock - Beware!
 Cow Parsley or the dangerous Hogweed?
 A wonderful ...
 ... field of barley with Poppies ....
 ... my most ...
... favourite wild flower ...
 ... whoops, a cuckoo in the nest! (this is a cultivated poppy)
 From the right - canal swing bridge, train line and by the poles on the left a very busy main road - all the transport you need!
 Giant sticky buds .. no idea what it's called though.  We turned off the towpath here ...
 ... the notice on the right reads KEEP OUT in four languages - cosmopolitan or what!
 The fishing lakes here are beautiful ...
 ... and the natural course of the river Kennet runs through ...
... and the lakes have lots of bird life too - baby moorhens rushing for shelter from us.
And back to the Rowbarge Inn (circa 1760) for a pint before returning to Rock n Roll.
A good walk!

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