Wednesday 29th July
We upped sticks this morning to move on from Campbell Park as we were in dire need of water and a pump-out. We had hoped to moor at Fenny Straftford tonight, but unfortunately when we turned into Milton Keynes Marina we were told that they were no longer in business, we had been trying to telephone them all day yesterday and this morning on the way to arrange for their services so we continued south.

A motor and butty in good livery

We eventually sorted the pump out at Willowbridge Marina and also took diesel on board as it was very reasonably priced - all self-service - presumably to keep costs down. Just
The rain came down in buckets from about 3pm before we arrived at the marina and we were rather wet indeed by the time we found a nice quiet mooring after bridge 102 before Stoke Hammond Lock.
Hi you two, just caught up with your blog. We too have suffered condesation problems with our houdini hatch but now we put in a piece of foam rubber which we cut to fit snugly and now all our condensation problems have gone, even in cold weather. Sorry to hear about your cratch damage.
Kev & Ann (4Evermoore)