If I'd had an internet signal when we arrived at Great Haywood on Friday I would have called the blog 'I wish I could see a bit of blue sky'.
Because when we left Rugeley it was yet another grey, grim day; the sky was just a big grey blanket as I set off to walk a while ...
... I've walked far enough and here comes George on Rock n Roll following on close behind

The River Trent runs alongside the Trent and Mersey Canal as we continue on our way towards Great Haywood junction
Waiting to ascend Colwich Lock ...
... a lovely view behind me with the local church on the left
Canal memorabilia on Colwich Lock House
A pretty row of canal side cottages ...
... the one on the right was once the Stonemason's Cottage (1710)
Our first glimpse of Shugborough Hall through the murk at just after 1pm
Anyone who knows our Molly knows that she always sits looking the way we are cruising ... and yes she is here too! We've been up to Haywood Junction, filled up with water and diesel and here we are reversing, we've come stern first down the lock to another of our favourite mooring spots (albeit without an internet signal!)
Saturday morning 9am we've woken to brighter skies but a low mist ...
... but at least I can see that 'bit of blue' up there!
10 past 10 and my goodness me! It's the sun trying to get through!
What a difference it makes too - Saturday was a pleasure!
Same time, same place on Sunday morning ... and the grey is back!
... but hang on there - half an hour later and the sun is trying to show its face ...
We've moving up the lock again for water, moored up and set off for a walk around Shugborough Estate with Ann and Chas (
Moore 2 Life)
We seem to have seen lots of pigs over the last few days ... these little fellows caught our eye ear making a hell of a row over in far field on the estate ... wild boar perhaps?
... returning to the canal ...
... over the very pretty river bridge ...
... a family of swans glide under ...
... to emerge on the other side.
A lovely day!
Dentist appointments tomorrow!!