It was a lovely surprise on Tuesday 1st June to see
SKYY with her beautiful roof display of pansies and herbs cruising into Tattenhall, it was really good to be able to spend some time getting to know Jacquie and Mac and I was quite sorry to see them continue on their way a week later.

I've been following their current journey with interest as we have still not yet attempted 'rivers' but the Weaver and
SKYY's experiences do sound inviting - we'll get there yet!! Certainly hope to meet up with them and Duggie again in the not too distant future.
I went to say hello to Terry and Monica Darlington and met narrowdog Jim and his companion Jess. I told the author how much I enjoyed Narrowdog to Carcassonne; how much it made me laugh out loud; and the amount of times I had to say to George (hubby) 'I've got to read this bit to you' were too numerous to count! He informed me that he is currently writing his third book. I asked where his current journey was going to take him - and he told me that Monica had arranged a crossing of the Mersey and that they would then continue northwards to Lancaster. It was nice to meet them both but I was sorry that I'd loaned out my copy of Narrowdog and so could not get it signed by him; never mind there may be another opportunity.

the hydrogen fuelled boat
Ross Barlow came into the marina ready for the marina's open day on 19th June and will be one of the main attractions at the
Tom Rolt Centenary Celebration rally at Chester Tower Wharf on 26/27th June which has been organised by the IWA.
The Ross Barlow was developed by Birmingham University and is apparently seen as the future propulsion for narrowboats. (??)
the Beta Marine Diesel Hybrid
Chelonian came to moor along side too
preparations underway to erect a marquee for Saturday's open day - helped by Dave and his wife from
Great Haywood Marinathe Jaz Band in action on the day
this small hydrogen fuelled trip boat silently carried visitors around the marina
... and a not altogether welcome visitor at 8am in the morning - she hopped up onto the gunwale whilst I was getting my breakfast and stuck her head through the open galley window, she stayed still long enough for me to grab my camera and take the picture - cheeky mare!
Ross Barlow preparing to set off to the Tom Rolt Centenary Celebrations taking place at Tower Wharf today (Saturday 27th June 2010)
in the meantime ..... not sure what he's doing - he set up this ariel type structure, fiddled about on what I presumed was his computer set up on the BBQ stand, raised the post and lowered it again, rested on the haystack seat for a while, dismantled it, packed everything away and left!
Everyone now on board - some in fancy dress, Ross Barlow leaves the marina
(I can't zoom in with my phone camera - my coolpix battery had run down!)
whoops, an escaped balloon!
pied wagtails are a delight to watch but very difficult to photograph when they are swooping up agains the sides of RnR to catch insects in the evenings, but last night (29 June) 3 of them were sitting on the pontoon for long enough to snap them.