Thursday 13th to Sunday 16th August 2009
Sunday 16th - we woke to a 10 degree list on the boat, the water had gone down so much, we loosened and retied the ropes which stopped us from falling over all the time inside!!
Saturday 15th - another walk .......
... past the keepers cottage - there were loads of ripe Victoria plums by the hedge; I was very tempted to pick a few, but resisted as the owners were obviously in as the windows were all open but I couldn't see anyone to ask - got a very large conscience I have!!

a land gypsy home as opposed to a water gypsy!! - It was in very good condition.

? all members of the same family - assorted ducks.

This boat had drifted from its mooring on the off-side; George crossed the lock and went to find the farmer to let him know - meanwhile I waited on the towpath as 2 boats were coming down the canal. A group of ladies on a day-boat decided to come up the lock and of course as soon as the opened to sluices to empty it this boat drifted and wedged across the canal. George eventually found some-one to secure the boat and I stopped the first of the boats to give me a hand to push the bow out with his boat pole. He said that the same thing had happened the week before with this mooring. The second boat hovered in mid-stream, waited until the canal became passable and wafted past - not a smile, acknowledgement, thanks or anything!

the view towards Slapton lock

the same view taken at 20 to 8pm
Friday 14th - no photo's today - I was too busy! We had decided to stay here so that the weekly wash could be finished, but needed water - no problem! George opened the lock gates for me; in and up I went - did a perfect mooring at the water point ( I have to admit that hubby does most of the driving/mooring as I do not like heights and cannot do the locks) so I was very pleased with myself! I agreed (after a little hesitation) to reverse back into the lock to return to our mooring place (it was nicer than those available above the lock)..... so using the bowthruster and reverse gear I completed the maneuver with not too much trouble - it seemed to take forever for the boat to respond in reverse to the truster. I tell you - I was exhaused when we'd tied up, but pleased with myself too.
Thursday 13th- we pulled the pins and cruised to Slapton, mooring just before the lock (30) and went for a walk..
The Church of the Holy Cross - in existence already in 1223 - was preparing for a local wedding when we visited. With the help of lottery funding the church tower was being renovated.

The Carpenters Arms - 16th century - tiny bar area but concentrate on food - a great menu. Met Bill who was a top turret gunner on Lancaster bombers - he kept us amused for a good hour or so with his stories.

.. also met Flash again - Molly had met him on the towpath earlier -they had a great time dow-se-do-ing in the bar

a better picture of Whipslade White Lion taken from the towpath

sunset at 5 past 8 - is coming earlier every day (naturally!)